Getting Started
About Studio
XactRemodel Studio is a powerful way to estimate and present to your clients. Let's get started by going over how to create a floor plan. You must be subscribed to XactRemodel Studio to be able to cr…
Capturing and Sharing your Floor Plan
XactRemodel Studio offers a powerful way to create and present floor plans to your clients. With three easy ways to share your floor plan sketches, you’ll always have a professional and polished pres…
Building an Estimate
In addition to creating floor plans, estimates can be created in XactRemodel Studio. The estimate is built by attaching line items to elements in Studio. Line items. Search. Line item search works by…
Import image as underlay
The Image Underlay feature allows users to upload an image of a floor plan directly onto the canvas in Studio within XactRemodel. This enables users to draw over the image using the tools in XactRemo…
Level Properties
In addition to working with levels in a floorplan, XactRemodel Studio allows you to quickly access level properties to enhance the sketch experience to your specifications. Layers. In level propertie…
Multiple Floor Plans in Studio
In addition to working with levels in a floor plan and level properties underlay, XactRemodel Studio also allows you to quickly create multiple floor plans in one project. These floor plans can even…
Reference Objects
Reference Objects. The reference object toolbar contains all of the tools, such as, block, area, line or point in a floor plan. They can be accessed by clicking the arrow to the right side of the too…
The toolbar contains all the tools to create a floor plan. Some tools have multiple options within them. They can be accessed by clicking the arrow to the right of the tool and then selecting the des…
View Levels in 3D
View Levels In 3D. From the Studio in XactRemodel, you have the ability to view multiple levels of a sketch in 3D. This option will provide a realistic view of your sketch and ensuring its accuracy.…
Working with Levels
Levels in Studio. Studio allows you to add multiple levels to a single floor plan. Levels are used to separate floors and roofs of a building. You can create basement, main level and roof in a floor…
3D View
In addition to drawing floor plans in 2D in Studio, floor plans can be viewed in 3D. To switch between 2D and 3D use the buttons at the top-middle of the Studio canvas or utilizing the hotkeys. Editi…