Managing Attachments in Your Proposal Reports

Torrey Rawlings Updated by Torrey Rawlings

Enhance your proposal reports by including carefully selected images from your project. Follow the steps below to choose which images are visible on your reports, ensuring they impress your prospective clients.

Adding Images to Your Project

Refer to Photo Attachments to learn how to add images to your project. Once added, photos will automatically be set to visible on reports.

Managing Image Visibility on Reports

All images added are set to be visible on reports by default. Those that are set to not show will display an eye icon with a slash through it.

On Web:

Viewing and Adjusting Image Visibility:
  1. Open up your project.
  2. Navigate to the attachments tab.
  3. Click on an image in the Attachments tab to preview it.
  4. Use the "Show on Reports" checkbox:
    1. Checked: The image will appear in the report.
    2. Unchecked: The image will be hidden from the report.
Managing Multiple Images:
  1. Click on the checkbox in the top left hand corner of all the images you'd like to change the availability on
  2. Click on the eye icon:
    1. "Show on Reports": Make the images visible on the report.
    2. "Hide on Reports": Hide the images from the report.
An eye icon with a slash indicates that an image is hidden from the report.

On Mobile:

Viewing and Adjusting Image Visibility:
  1. Login to the mobile app.
  2. Open up your project.
  3. Click on the photo icon to open up attachments.
  4. Click on the photo to see or adjust the report visibility.
Managing Multiple Images:
  1. Login to the mobile app.
  2. Open up your project.
  3. Hold down on any photo. This will trigger a menu to pop up on the top.
  4. Select the photos you'd like to change.
  5. Click on the eye icon:
    1. "Show on Reports": Make the images visible on the report.
    2. "Hide on Reports": Hide the images from the report.

Generating the Proposal Report with your Images

  1. Ensure all desired images have the correct visibility settings.
  2. Navigate to the Reports tab.
  3. Click on the Proposal Report.
  4. On the right hand side is a list of options to enable in the report. Make sure the photos is turned on.
  5. Download the report.

By thoughtfully managing the images in your proposal report, you can create a professional and visually appealing document tailored to your client’s needs.

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Photo Attachments
