Sending Projects to Direct Supplier

Darren Knight Updated by Darren Knight

Direct Supplier is the fast, simple way to quickly order your materials and supplies from a project. If you have a XactRemodel account, getting started is simple.

Accessing Direct Supplier

To access Direct Supplier, visit and log in using the same credentials used for XactRemodel.

For details on how to use Direct Supplier click here.

Sending Projects to Direct Supplier

Any project in XactRemodel can be shared with Direct Supplier. When a project is shared with Direct Supplier from XactRemodel, all the materials from the line items in the project are sent to Direct Supplier.

Project details do not automatically sync between XactRemodel and Direct Supplier. If line items change in the project, you will need to send the project to Direct Supplier again in order to update the project in Direct Supplier. Adding or removing items in Direct Supplier will not update the project in XactRemodel.

How to send project details

  1. Create a project in XactRemodel and add line items
  2. Navigate to Reports within the project
  3. In the Direct Supplier section, click the "Send to Direct Supplier" button.
Send project to Direct Supplier
  1. When the project has successfully been sent to Direct Supplier, a snack bar notification will appear. Click on "OPEN" to open Direct Supplier and view the project.

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