Room Basics

Darren Knight Updated by Darren Knight

A good estimate starts with a good takeoff. XactRemodel Studios helps you capture those dimensions and make them usable as you build an estimate.

Get started with a floor plan by drawing a room.

Creating rooms

Rooms are created by drawing an entire room at once by using the Room tool or by drawing each wall using the Wall tool. New rooms can be attached to existing rooms or stand separately.




XactRemodel Studio wall tool symbol

Room tool


Wall tool


Example of drawing a room in XactRemodel Studio.

Additional rooms can be created using walls from existing rooms.

Resizing a room by entering the dimension

Resizing rooms

Resize by dragging a wall

Rooms can also be resized by dragging a wall.

  1. Select the wall to move
  2. Click, hold, and drag the wall to the desired location.

When you drag a wall, you have the option to resize a room or add a new room. After dragging a wall, click anywhere on the canvas to resize the room. To add a new room and keep the dimensions of the existing room, click the plus button that appears in the newly created area.

Resize by editing a dimension

Rooms can be resized by editing their dimensions.

  1. Move a wall that is adjacent to the dimension to be changed.
  2. The dimensions that can be edited will appear.
  3. Select the dimension to edit.
  4. Enter the desired dimension value.
For quicker entry, use a comma to separate feet and inches. Decimals are also accepted.

Resize by dragging a vertex

Rooms can be resized by dragging an existing vertex.

  1. Select any wall that the vertex is on.
  2. Click, hold, and drag the vert vertex to the desired location.
To disable snapping to angles, hold SHIFT while dragging.

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Room Properties
