Roof Property Locks

Meredith Lu Updated by Meredith Lu

In addition to drawing the footprint of a roof, there are many more properties that can be specified for a roof. XactRemodel Studio allows you to quickly access these properties to adjust the roof to your specifications.

Measurement Locks

Measurement locks allow you to see which parts of the roof measurements are locked and cannot be modified. You will want to use the run measurement lock if you are extending the rafter length on a roof but want to keep the ridge line in place.

To activate roof measurement locks, click on the selected roof first, then click on the roof properties icon that appears to the upper-right of the roof.

It's good to know how measurement locks work in case one measurement lock gets accidentally activated. To lock or unlock a measurement lock, click the clock that appears next to the measurement.

In this example, the rafter length of the roof has been adjusted to 7' while keeping the same ridge measurement locked.

Now the new roof with desired dimensions is updated by using the measurement locks.

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Drawing Roofs
