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Proposal Report
by Justin Jackman
Being able to generate a professional estimate quickly is one of the qualities that makes great remodelers stand out above the average remodelers. XactRemodel offers multiple reports that can be exported and sent directly to a third party. This article will cover the Proposal Report.
Proposal Report
The Proposal Report is a customer-friendly report that presents the estimate data in a simple, yet professional way. The Proposal Report provides a detailed breakdown of the line item data that was added to the estimate.
Users have the option to customize the report by placing their company logo and company address in the header. The project name and client details are conveniently placed in the header as well.
On the first page, users can add an opening statement to communicate any additional information to their client.

The subsequent pages include the line item details of the estimate. The line item data is broken out into the Groups that were added as part of the project. The line item data that is included with the Proposal Report includes:
- Item number - A running count of items in the project
- Line Item Description - The description of the line item
- Line Item Activity - What activity is associated with each item
- Line Item Quantity - The quantity needed for each item
- Line Item Total - The total cost for each item
- Line Item Note - Optional text that can be entered and displayed inline on the report.
With the exception of the description, all of these fields can be hidden from the report. This is done by toggling on/off the respective field in the Report Settings menu of the report at the upper right-hand side of the Reports screen (See Report Settings section below).
At the end of each Group on the report is a Group Total that sums up all the line items in each group.
Below all of the line item data is a Project Summary. The Project Summary displays the total of each Group associated with the project and an overall Project Total.
At the conclusion of the report, users can add a custom closing statement. This statement could be used to add boilerplate legal language, an overview of the estimate, or whatever information needs to be conveyed to the client.
Report Settings
Users can customize the Proposal Report to show only the information that is relevant. This is done through the Report Settings which is accessed by clicking the Report Settings button at the top right of the report.

The report settings available to users include the following:
- Display Name - Users can customize the title that is displayed at the top right of this report.
- Floor Plan Images - Users can add floor plan images they have drawn out in Studio. To learn more about this navigate to Capturing and Sharing your Floorplan.
- Photos - Users can add photos that they have already attached to the project. To learn more about this navigate to Photo Report Visibility.
- Separate Markup/Sales Tax - Users can choose whether to break out the markup and taxes on the report separately, or have them built into the costs of each individual item. By default, the markup and taxes are built into the item(s) and will not be shown as a separate item on the report.
- Show Pricing - Users can choose whether the pricing shows on the report or is hidden. By default, the pricing will be set to show.
- Item Details - Users can customize which data fields are displayed on the report. Unchecking any of the item details checkboxes will remove those data points from the report.
- Groups - Under the groups menu will be a list of all groups that were created as part of the estimate. Depending on the needs of the client, not every group may be accepted by the client. The Groups checkboxes make it easy to omit any groups from the report that aren't going to be included in the work.
Once the settings have been configured appropriately, click Apply to have the report settings applied to the report.
Share the report
When the estimate is completed and ready to be shared with the client, users can export the report in a couple different ways:
On Web
Download a copy of the report as a PDF document by clicking the download icon at the top right of the report. Users can save the PDF document to their computer and either email, print, or share with the client in their preferred method.

On Mobile
Utilizing the capabilities that are available on the user's mobile device, they can share the report directly to their email client, over text message, via airdrop, or by any other means that are available for sharing on their mobile device. This is done by tapping the Share icon at the top right of the screen while viewing a preview of the report.