Create Report Statements

Justin Jackman Updated by Justin Jackman

Before generating a report and making it available to the client, it's important to ensure that all the necessary information is included. Users can save scoping time by setting up statement templates that will be available on their individual projects.

Users can set up as many statement templates as desired for the various types of work that are applicable to their business. These statement templates are made available within every project that is created and allows the user to quickly customize each statement to the individual client.

The opening and closing statements can be displayed on the various reports that can be generated in XactRemodel.

Statement templates can be modified within each project. Any customizations made within a project will not affect the statements on other projects or to the statement template themselves.

Creating a report statement template

To create a new statement template, navigate to the Reports menu in the primary navigation.

Click the + icon at the top right of the Statement Templates window.

The following fields are available within the Create/Edit Statement window:

  • Name: This is how users will know which statement template this is. It does not show on the report. This is a required field.
  • Header: This shows on the report above the statement text. It acts as the header to the statement. This is an optional field.
  • Text: This is the body of the statement. As this is a template, users can put [placeholders] in the text that can be adjusted within individual projects.
company header

Once the statement templates have been created, users can apply any of these statement templates as the default for projects created in the future. To add one of the statement templates as a default, click the Select Statement link next to either the Opening Statement or Closing Statement default selection. Click the dropdown and select the name of the Statement Template you want as the default for that selection.

When the Statement Default is selected or changed, those changes will only apply to projects created from when the change was made going forward. Changing the Statement Default will not retroactively change the default for existing projects.

Users can update the statement templates at any time. These statement templates will also be available for use within both the web and mobile version of XactRemodel.

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