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Reordering and Deleting Line Items

Justin Jackman Updated by Justin Jackman

Easily customize the added items in your project by re-ordering the placement of items and/or deleting items that are no longer needed.

On Web

Reordering line items

Line items in a project appear on the Proposal report in the order in which they exist within the estimate. When new items are added to an estimate in XactRemodel the items are added to the bottom of the Added Items list by default.

To change the order of items in the Added Items list on web simply drag and drop the item to its desired location:

Reordering line items is only available on the web app. Any reodering done on the web app will reflect in the mobile app.

Deleting line items

  1. To delete a single item that has been added to your project, click the overflow menu to the right of the added item and select Delete.

  1. To delete multiple line items at the same time:
    1. Click the "EDIT" button at the top right of the Added Items list within a project.
    2. Place a check next to all the items that need to be deleted (check the select-all checkbox at the top of the items to select all the items in the list).
    3. Click the "DELETE" button at the bottom right of the Added Items list.

On Mobile

Deleting line items

  1. To delete a single item that has been added to your project, slide the line item to the left and tap on the "DELETE" icon.

  1. To delete multiple line items at the same time:
    1. Hold down on a line item until the page goes into edit mode.
    2. Select all the items that need to be deleted.
    3. Click the "DELETE" button on the top right of the screen.

How did we do?

Adding Line Items

Line Item Details
