Add Your Floor Plan to the Proposal Report

Justin Jackman Updated by Justin Jackman

XactRemodel Studio is a powerful way to estimate and present the final product to your clients. Once you have completed your estimate, you have the option to include the floor plan on the Proposal report.

You must be subscribed to XactRemodel Studio to be able to create floor plans.

Capturing the floor plan

Once you have completed drawing your floor plan and are ready to generate your Proposal report:

  1. Navigate to the Studio tab within your project.
  2. Sketch out your floor plan within Studio.
  3. Once you're finished exit out of the Studio tab. A confirmation message will indicate that the floor plan image has been saved.
  4. Then, navigate tot he reports tab and choose the Proposal report.


Is it still necessary to click the camera icon to save my floor plan image?
With our recent update, clicking the camera icon to save your floor plan image is no longer necessary. While you're on the studio page, you can still use the camera icon to manually save the image, but it will automatically save once you leave the page.
Can I make updates to my floor plan after capturing the image?
Absolutely. Any changes made to your floor plan will be automatically saved, allowing you to regenerate the report as needed.
Is there an option to hide the floor plan image in the Proposal report?
Yes, you have the option to not display the floor plan image. This feature is available in the attachments section of the report options.

How did we do?

Multiple Floor Plans in Studio
