Export Estimate to a CSV File

Meredith Lu Updated by Meredith Lu

Being able to quickly export a professional estimate to a CSV file is one of the benefits that XactRemodel offers. You can export the estimate data in Excel and import it to other tools to manage the projects. This article will explain how to use this feature.

The CSV Export is available to users on the XactRemodel PRO subscription. To upgrade your subscription to XactRemodel PRO, contact our sales team at 1-833-352-9228.

CSV Export

The CSV Export feature is a customer-friendly tool to export a list of the project's items to a .CSV file. In this example, Project B has the estimate with all the items.

Here are the steps to export the estimate to a CSV File:

  1. Click on Reports in the Main Menu.
  2. Select CSV Export to download it.
  3. View the Excel file.

In the Excel file, all the items' information can be viewed, such as the activity, description, unit price, markup, and tax. Contractors can make changes to these items based on the project's needs.

For most users, a CSV file can be opened through a spreadsheet program, such as Microsoft Excel, OpenOffice Calc, or Google Docs.

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