Apple App Store

Darren Knight Updated by Darren Knight

Did you purchase your XactRemodel subscription on your iPhone or iPad through the App Store? You can manage your subscription through your AppleID.

To cancel a subscription or free trial follow these steps

  1. On your iPhone or iPad, tap Settings.
  2. Tap your name.
  3. Tap Subscriptions (about midway through the screen).
  4. Tap XactRemodel GO.
  5. Tap Cancel Subscription or Cancel Free Trial.
  6. Tap Confirm.
  7. Your account will be locked at the end of your billing cycle.

Learn more about managing your subscription on Apple's help center.

What happens to my account when I cancel my subscription?

When you cancel your XactRemodel subscription, you will continue to have access to XactRemodel until the current subscription period has ended. After the subscription period has ended, you will no longer have access to XactRemodel. However, all your data will be saved and ready for you to pick back up right where you left off when you resubscribe.

You can reactivate your subscription at any time by visiting

How did we do?

How do I change my subscription if I am being billed through the App Store or Play Store?

Google Play Store
